Friday, March 28, 2008

Finally a chance to blog!

I've been missing my daily dose of blogging and emailing. I have some major catching up to do.

We found a great apartment in North Dallas and have spent the past week getting moved in, unpacking, and decorating. It's finally starting to feel like home. We're trying to get all of the major stuff done before Mike goes back to work on Monday, so that's why I haven't blogged in a while.

Zoe is doing great. She is loving all of the excitement going on around her. Two of her cousins, Jacob (7) and Emma (2), are nearby in Plano and we've been over to see them a couple of times. Zoe is mesmerized by them.

Zoe turned 10 months old this month. I usually make a birthday post but I missed it during the move. So, here are a couple of updates about Zoe. She pulls herself up to standing now and is slowly starting to cruise (walking sideways while holding on to something, like the couch). She still doesn't crawl in the traditional sense. But that doesn't mean she can't get around. Oh no. She is ALL over the place! She will either roll or do this scoot thingy to get where she wants. It's really exciting but kind of scary right now because it's hard to keep track of what kind of things are on the floor for her to pick up with all the boxes and unpacking stuff.

Here are some recent pictures:

I had to share this one because I think it's funny. Zoe always sleeps in the strangest positions.

Mike and Zoe outside Cracker Barrel in Alabama.

Zoe was such a trooper during the long drive to Texas.

She got nice and cozy in her carseat.

Zoe had fun playing with all the drawers on this table! This was during her cousin Jacob's birthday party.

Zoe and her Great Grandpa.

Zoe and her Great Grandma.

Happy Easter!

She seriously wants some of that candy.



  1. Zoe, you do sleep in funny positions!

  2. she's so funny. i like the cracker barrel photo.

  3. Miss reading your updates. I hope you guys are getting all settled into your new place.
