Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Zoe Exploring the Kitchen

This was the first time Zoe ventured into the kitchen to explore. She had been doing circles on the floor for about 2 minutes by the time I started recording...so you only see the tail end of that part. I want to know what's up with this crawl that she does with one leg up?


  1. I don't know what's up with the one leg out crawl, but Kalynn did it too. If I were to guess, I'd say that leg is ready to do some walking and the other one just isn't so sure yet. :)

  2. is that the knife rack she's about to tip over near the end? ;)

  3. Justin used to crawl like that. He learned to put himself in a sitting up position first, then lean in the direction he wanted to go, and fall forward. So for a while, he kept that legged tucked and ready to go.
