Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Timeout and Big Girl Chair

This is a picture of Zoe in timeout. We understand that she's still young and it's hard for her to remember NOT to do certain things and that most of the time it's best to just distract her from doing something wrong. Like when she throws her food on the floor we take the remaining food away and make her help us clean up the mess. But when Zoe does something DANGEROUS we will put her in timeout.

On the day of this picture, Zoe had been walking (more like running) across the couch. The first time she did it we told her it was dangerous, don't do it, we didn't want her to hurt herself, blah, blah. When she did it again a few minutes later we told her all that stuff again and that if she did it again she'd go to timeout. When she did it yet again a few minutes later we put her in timeout. She had to stand in the corner facing the wall, for 1 minute. I'm pretty sure she knew we were upset but didn't understand anything beyond that. She kept turning around and walking away. It probably didn't help that Mike and I were trying to hide our giggles by holding pillows in front of our faces. Oh well, it's a start.


Zoe has been wanting to sit on the kitchen chairs a lot lately...instead of sitting in her highchair. Well, she can't even reach over the table when she's sitting in a regular chair and about a week ago Zoe finally refused to eat while in her highchair. So I went and got her this booster chair and she LOVES it!

The tray connected to the chair was just too small so Zoe is officially sitting at the table with us. What a big girl!

I had to show this picture because notice the untouched cookie sitting on her plate? Well, this was Zoe's 3rd....let me repeat, 3rd helping of the carrots and peas and she didn't even acknowledge the cookie. This is a common occurrence. Zoe will gobble down her veggies (or fruit) then will take a couple bites of the meat. Don't get me wrong, she'll get to the dessert too, but not until she's ready for it. This totally makes up for all the frustration and tears from back when Zoe was younger (pretty much until we put her on Periactin...the appetite stimulant).


  1. Zoe, what a big girl you are! I love you. Grandma

  2. Time out is so hard. Especially when you can't stop laughing and should have your firm mommy face on.

  3. I still can't tell if timeout works, but at least it gives you the illusion of feeling in control while your child is rethinking her behavior. Personally, I suspect they're just counting down the seconds while they're devising the next plan of attack.
    She sure is cute!

  4. What a cute, big girl! I remember Madyson's first time out. She had her feelings hurt more than she understood what was going on. But they work!!

  5. Love the booster. A child is no longer a baby if she can sit at the big table!

  6. Saving the cookie for last? She can't be related to me!!!!!

  7. Girl, you are so blessed to have a little one eat like that!
