Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Eve

Update: I added three videos.

It snowed all day Christmas Eve!

It's going to be a white Christmas!

We went to Krista's (Mike's sister) house for a Christmas Even dinner with the family. Here is Mike sneaking some goodies before dinner.

Zoe REALLY liked the punch Krista made.

Zoe, Jacob, and Emma being silly at the kid's table during dinner.

When Zoe gets tired she does this gross thing where she leaves food in her mouth. The food will turn to mush and it stays there until she drools it all out (like this picture!), she sneezes, or she falls asleep and swallows without realizing it.

Cousin Christmas pageant.

Zoe was supposed to be a sheep but she was more interested in the books.

Angel Madison.

Grandpa taking a snoozer during the pageant. hehe.

The rest of us taking a snoozer while Grandpa read a VERY LONG story about a Christmas tree.

Time for Cousin Christmas Pajamas picture! Zoe adores Madison and follows her around everywhere. Here they are getting ready for the picture.

I couldn't decide which picture I liked the best because I think they are all so funny and show off all the personalities so well. So you get to see them all:

Singing Silent Night before we all headed home. This was one of those cool 'didn't plan it, just happened' moments.

This is what we had to drive home in! (the 20 minute drive ended up taking us 40 minutes that night)

It was so cold!

One of the traditions Mike and I have is that we get each other an ornament on Christmas Eve celebrating something that happened the previous year. I got Mike a house and Mike got me this lollipop ornament. The house is for our first house that we bought. And the lollipop is because I gave up candy (and soda) for my new years resolution in 2009. Zoe didn't understand that this wasn't a real lollipop and kept trying to take bites out of it. It was pretty funny.


  1. Those pajamas are so cute. I want a pair! Looks like y'all had a great Christmas Eve. I loved the picture of Phil reading the story about the Christmas tree. Can't wait to see Christmas day pictures...

  2. Isn't it stressful when a shorter drive takes longer? It snowed here a few days after Christmas and a 10 minute drive home took an hour and a half. I love snow, though. It's so pretty! That's fun having snow on Christmas Eve!

  3. that is a gross thing that zo-zo does.

    but now i'm kinda i don't know.

  4. Love her hair! Cute cousins PJ. Glad you had a white Christmas even in Texas!

  5. that pic of everyone snoozing while the story is being read is hilarious! did yall stage that?
