Tuesday, March 16, 2010

All In 4 Months Time

Besides training for and completing a Half marathon and three full marathons, getting Zoe started on growth hormones, and starting a new very part-time job...we've been having a lot of fun getting our new home put together.

A lot of people have been asking for photo updates of our house because they haven't seen it since I took pictures when we moved in. So here are some (okay, a lot of) pictures of what it looks like now:

family room

family room

family room

family room

front room

entry way

other side of the entry way

Zoe's play area in the front room

entry way and staircase

view from the front room into the dining room into the kitchen

my main squeeze...and the kitchen

Our bedroom...I can't wait 'till we get a bed frame. We just need to find the perfect one.

Sitting area in our room and part of the master bathroom and closet.

Media room. I snuck a picture of Mike while he was building the platform. hehe.

Snack central in the media room.

media room

media room

Me checking out our new lawn mower. We got one of those new electric ones that plug in. It's pretty cool because it's light weight and SO easy to turn on.

Practicing for my audition to be a lawn mower model.

Zoe's bathroom

Zoe's bathroom

Zoe's bathroom

Zoe's bathroom

Zoe's bathroom

Zoe's room

I thought this was the most creative idea for Zoe's room. Shadow boxes with numbers in them...since she's learning her numbers. Right?! Well, only two people so far think it's a good idea and get it (shout out to Mom and Ruth!).

Natalie had a great idea to find something to measure Zoe against now that we're doing the growth hormones. This is her new wall growth chart! (we haven't measured her yet...)

Zoe's room

Zoe's room

Zoe's room

"Mooooom, leave me alone, I'm busy!"

Zoe's room

"Mom, will you pulease stop taking pictures!"

We've really had a lot of fun decorating. We pretty much have no clue what we're doing. But the great part is that Mike and I have been doing it together. And guess what, Mike is really good at decorating! Our newest favorite store is Kirklands. They have some really cool, random stuff.

So, it's all a work in progress. If you're looking at some of the pictures thinking, "they really could use something there"...we probably agree with you.

Other things that we've done to the house that are worth mentioning but not worth taking pictures of are: we had a new garage door opener kit installed, We got new gutters put on the roof, Mike put in all new toilet seats and fixed a broken toilet, and we're in the middle of getting our sprinkler system repaired.

This whole 'owning a house' thing is really great and I'm so happy that I have Mike and Zoe to share it with because they are what makes it so fun!

Anyone want to come over and play?


  1. Yes! Yes! I want to come play!

    You're home is beautiful. You have done an amazing job. When are you going to come do my house??

  2. Yay! Okay, just let me know when you're coming! :) I want to go to your house to!

  3. Your house is absolutely gorgeous! I love all of your decorating. Great job!

  4. Maybe one day I'll get to see your cool new house! I love all the decorations and especially the new lawn mower. Hope to see you soon!

  5. Thanks for the shout out! It's fun to look at these pictures even though we've seen the real thing.

    That measuring thing for Zoe is adorable!

    So, maybe we'll have to come over for the World Cup. :)

  6. OMG--Melanie--you've done sooo much even in the short time since we were there! Y'all have done more in y'alls house in the past 4 months than we have in ours in almost 3 years :0

    It looks great and I can't wait to try out the media room platform. I had no idea Mike was so handy or that you were so good with the lawn mower :)

    Is July really the next time we'll see y'all??

  7. I love you said the "new" electric lawn mower. Did you know that we had those when we were kids and gas was the new thing? It's funny they're going back to electric again.

    Great house!

  8. Lisa, I like that you especially like the new lawn mower. You are definitely my sister.

    Ruth, yes we're expecting you guys for the world cup!

    Jen, maybe you guys could come up in May for Zoe's birthday???

    Natalie, what?!?! I seriously had no idea about the lawn mowers.

  9. looks fantastic my friend!

    an electric mower and orange? girl, i know we don't work for deere anymore but you need something green and mean!

  10. You've done so much since we were there!!! Looks great! So um, when is that housewarming???

  11. Home owners...one day, one day. Until then I'll just drool over your pictures.
