Sunday, November 28, 2010

Princess Medicine is COOL

I took Zoe in for a check up with her Endocrinologist on November 4th, and we had GREAT news!

Zoe is now 36.1 inches tall and weighs 27 pounds. Yay! She grew 1.2 inches and gained 4 pounds in 3 months. Amazing.

The past two visits had Zoe sitting right on the very bottom of the growth charts. That was pretty good because she has been well below the charts her whole life. But guess what?! Now she is in the 6th percentile! Yipee!

So this is what her progress looks like since we started the growth hormones:

2/5/2010: 21lbs. and 32.8in.
5/5/2010: 22.5lbs. and 34.1in.
8/5/2010: 23lbs. and 34.9in.
11/4/2010: 27lbs. and 36.1in.

We also increased her daily dosage of growth hormones again. As Zoe gets bigger, we'll continue to increase how much she gets so that it'll continue to work. And she's still taking the medicine like a champ. She still gets stickers (thanks Libby!) every time we do it. She has also started to help prepare the medicine. She dials the pen to the correct dosage for me. This helps a lot because she feels more included in it.

Every once in a while, thought, as soon as I pull the pen out of her skin she'll bury her head in Mike's shoulder and have a good cry. It breaks my heart. I know she doesn't like doing it and I know it hurts. As we're getting ready to do it she'll often say something like, "don't hurt me this time, okay Mom?". Ugh. Mike has to keep reminding me that it would break my heart too if Zoe were coming home crying from school every day because she was picked on for being so small. Or if Zoe had health problem related to being so tiny. I know, but still...I'm the one forcing the pain every night.

Okay, enough with the venting! The medicine is working so we'll just keep plugging along and being grateful for modern medicine!


  1. Mike, thanks for encouraging Melanie. Melanie, there is no doubt that you are the #1 person in Zoe's life. She loves you so much.

  2. Thanks to you and the Princess medicine, Zoe will be tall enough to drive a car someday. Imagine how much it would "hurt" if she couldn't have wheels when she turns 16. The crying would be louder and far more expressive.

    I am so glad that the medicine is working so well for her! Such good news that she is actually on the growth charts instead of two inches below.

  3. That is SO great that she's growing! Wes is only 27 pounds (maybe 28 now), so I think she's right on target! :)

    You are SO strong. It would be so hard to do that every night. Zoe's lucky to have you (and Mike).

  4. Woo-hoo! Go Zoe (and Melanie)!!

  5. Congratulations Mizz Zoe & welcome to the the 6th percentile. Kate likes to bounce around the 5-10%. I think it's a great place to be. :)

  6. Yay for Zoe (and you and Mike :) )

    I miss you so much. xoxo
