Monday, July 1, 2013

We Are Having A....


We are so beyond excited.  Especially Zoe!  She used to pray for a baby brother that looks like her friend Zach with blonde hair and blue eyes.  Then when that didn't happen she just prayed for a baby brother.  Then when that didn't happen she prayed for a baby.  Then when that didn't happen she told Heavenly Father that if he couldn't put one in my tummy she would fly up to him to get the baby (awe, tear jerker!).  During this whole pregnancy, any time we asked her if she wanted a brother or a sister she said she didn't care.  I think she really had given up on the idea of getting a brother.  But I could tell she was super excited today when we found out.

Today was my 20 week appointment.  I'm half way through!  The baby is measuring well and looks healthy so far.  Zoe looked good at this point too.  It wasn't until I hit my third trimester with her that we noticed she had stopped growing.  So fingers crossed that our little one continues to grow.  If he doesn't, well we know some good doctors now to help us through.  

Here I am today (Zoe took the picture!)
Here is a picture of when I was at 20 weeks with Zoe.  
P.S. I had 24 people vote on my poll and 13 voted for boy, 10 voted for girl, and 1 voted that I would have both.

P.P.S.  Zoe has named our baby Bob.  Um....Mike and I told her that we could call him that until IF we decide on another name.  Yes, we will be choosing another name.

1 comment:

  1. Zoe!!!!!!!!!!! You get a brother!!!!!!!!!!!!! Melanie, you look so nice. I can't wait to see you all this weekend.
