Wednesday, September 18, 2013

30 Week Appointment

I had my 30 week appointment two Mondays ago.  This was a big milestone for me because at 30 weeks with Zoe's pregnancy the doctor noticed she had stopped growing and I was put on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy.  Well thank goodness everything is still looking good with baby #2!  Yay!  

The only mild complication that I'm having is that I have some crazy weird swelling in my groin and the doctor thinks it might be a hernia (inguinal hernia).  There is nothing we can do about it during the pregnancy so we'll just have to ride it out and see what happens to it afterwards.  It doesn't hurt or bother me but it does totally freak me out that there might be guts spilling into this pocket of whatever a hernia is.  

The doctor strongly suggested that I get what she called a "belly bra".  So I got one.  And it's crazy uncomfortable.  Here is a link to what I got.  The point of it is to hold my belly up a little to stop the swelling and get the pressure off.

My varicose veins are slowly making their way further down my legs and onto my knees.  They are uncomfortable but not painful.  Other than that I'm still feeling pretty good!

I also went to my breastfeeding class at the hospital that same Monday night.  It as pretty informative and hopefully helpful.

Next up is my 32 week appointment where we'll do an ultrasound to measure the baby.  I can't wait!    

30 weeks!

Zoe giving the baby some love.

30 weeks pregnant with Zoe.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad baby #2 is growing well. That's a relief! And I think you're more sticky outy this time. :) Lookin' good!
