At the appointment today I told the doctor that I have been feeling pretty crampy (feels like I'm going to start my period) and my lower back has been hurting and I've definitely been having Braxton-Hicks contractions (practice contractions, they don't hurt). Because of this, she wanted to check me to see if my cervix is changing yet. I told her that I was concerned about her checking me because that can cause labor to start sooner. She agreed with me but felt it was necessary because my body is definitely showing signs of getting close to labor and she wanted to make sure I wasn't far along and therefore needing to head over to the hospital to deliver this little guy. So she said she would be extremely gentle and soft and just check really quick. As it turns out, I'm dilated to a 1 (on a scale from 1 to 10...10 meaning the baby is coming really really really soon) and my cervix has definitely softened. So this all means that I'm definitely on my way but it's probably not going to happen today (although it totally could! Ahh!).
So the doctor and I talked in great detail about when I should call her to let her know I'm in labor. Basically, as soon as I start having the contractions that hurt and they won't go away when I lay down and drink water. Because I need to have a c-section, I can't labor at home or wait too long to call her. She needs me to be at the hospital where I can be monitored.
I have strict orders to TAKE IT EASY for the remainder of my pregnancy if I want to make it to next Friday. So I'm sitting on the couch with my computer and eating Halloween candy right now. I wish somebody would come steal all the candy because I'm not strong willed enough to not eat it or throw it out. It's just too yummy.
We are SO SO SO excited here! The car seat is installed. Mike and I have our hospital bags packed. Zoe has an over night bag packed for in case I go into labor in the middle of the night and she needs to go sleep at Grandpa and Viki's house. My mom is on high alert and I suggested she start getting her bags packed because she'll be getting the phone call to start driving this way as soon as I get the green light to go into the hospital.
Lisa and Sophie and baby Julia, Megan and Cliff, Jen and Adam, and Lynn (and Blake maybe?) all have plans to come up for a visit once the baby comes. I love that I'm giving them all a great excuse to come visit!
Yes, you look ready.