Sunday, December 16, 2007

Typing, Reading, and Cuddling

Zoe enjoys helping Mike work on the computer so much that she gets her own keyboard. She has decided that it is best to use her feet on the keyboard and her hands on the laptop. Her little foot was banging away on the keyboard while she was reaching over and playing with the laptop.

Zoe likes to read things that can make loud noises and are fun to eat. This magazine is one of those.

Zoe was very cuddly this day.


  1. Zoe looks like she wasn't feeling well in the bottom two pictures.

  2. She does look like she's feeling a little under the weather, huh? She had taken a late nap that day and it was pretty late at night when I took the pictures. So I think she was tired. She loves cuddling with that blanket, it's really soft.

  3. I agree with Lisa. Zoe needs a piano. Lisa can twist her body and do some amazing things on the piano. There are definite similarities between Lisa and Zoe.

  4. She is so cute. Her eyes are absolutely beautiful.

  5. I forgot to mention that Mike is looking very professional in his grown up clothes. :)

  6. If I can't act the part, I can at least dress the part.
