Friday, December 14, 2007

To all our family...

...whom (hookd on fonnics werked fore me!) we're ditching this year during Christmas.


  1. "whom" we're ditching... :)
    Love the site & pics & the people in them! And remember - just move back here and all is forgiven! (Couldn't resist!) :)

    - Mike's favorite and shameless sister

  2. Mike and Melanie---This is great! We will miss you at Christmas but we hope to see you early in the New Year! Love, Janie and Dad

  3. This is sooo cute! I have never seen that picture of me and Adam--where's that from?

    Some of us look a lot older now than in some of those pics. Time flies...

  4. Jen,

    I'm pretty sure that picture of you and Adam was taken at Grandma and Grandpa McMurtrey's. I can't remember which occasion it was though...right after you got married, or last Christmas? Those two dates are sticking out in my mind.
