Thursday, January 31, 2008


I recently joined a gym that is only a block away from where we live. One of the reasons I joined this gym is because they have free child care while you workout. My friend, Melanie, used to take her daughter there (until they moved 20 minutes away...sniff sniff) while she worked out but I've been so scared of leaving Zoe with somebody she doesn't know because she gets stranger anxiety. But I know that I will eventually have to teach Zoe that she can play with others so I finally decided this week that I won't know how she'll handle it until I just try. I figured that I could leave her there in the play room and the worst that would happen is the lady would call me back if Zoe freaked out.

When we arrived there was one other little girl there (Hannah, 18 months old). Hannah was so cute and immediately started 'taking care' of Zoe. Hannah brought her toys and told Zoe she was going to sit by her. It was so cute. The lady in charge was really nice and Zoe didn't seem to mind her at all. So I told Zoe I would be back soon and that she was going to play with Laura and Hannah. And I left...holding back tears the whole time I worked out. I just knew that Zoe was so scared and crying.

When I got back about 30 minutes later Zoe was absolutely fine. Laura said that the only time Zoe cried was when Hannah left. Isn't that so sweet?! So now I know that Zoe will be okay if I leave her with somebody. Maybe I'll try it again for a date with Mike soon.

On a completely unrelated topic, I have to share this video with you because I just laugh every time I watch it. I call it "I love lasagna and it loves me".

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