Friday, February 1, 2008

Lost is back...

...and I'm so excited!

This season I look foward to answers for the following questions I still have:
What's with the polar bear?
The black mist?
Walt's special abilities?
The statue with 4 toes?
The creepy Jacob guy in the cabin?
The original 'other' who hasn't aged?
How the Oceanic 815 crash was supposedly found with no survivors?

What other questions do you still have? These are all I can think of off the top of my head.

Other TV shows to mention:
Eli Stone--it looks pretty good.
Dance War--a sad dissapointment.


  1. When does it start???????????? That's all I want to know!

  2. Lisa, you're fired. It started on Thursday! Hello! You better watch it soon so we can talk about it. We're not doing this 'can't talk about it for 4 weeks while we wait for you to watch it' stuff.
