Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Home Sweet Home

UPDATE: We still don't know where we're going. Ahhh! We've been told that Mike will start his next rotation at the beginning of April so we're looking at a very short turn around. We're going to have to get packed and moved to where we're going--oh, and also find a place to live by then! It's a good thing we left most of our stuff sitting in a storage unit in Texas (all my stuff....oh how I miss you), that makes the packing part easier. I have a feeling we'll be eating a continental hotel breakfast for a while.

Also, they're mentioning Arizona again. I'll keep you updated.


Mike and I have always said that we'll be happy living anywhere. Especially if family is nearby. We really like it here in Charlotte and would gladly stay put for a while longer. It helps that Lisa and Megan are only an hour and a half away, and Dad and Janie and Jim and Rachel are each only a day's drive away. But Bank of America doesn't need Mike here after his first rotation is finished. So where do they send him? They have mentioned California, New York City, Boston, Chicago, and Arizona. All of those places would be great, except they'd have to triple Mike's income for us to afford more than a cardboard box and Ramen noodles! So Mike gave them his first two choices: Texas and Arizona. Mike only said Arizona because of the options, that was the closest to Texas. Each time Mike has talked to the program managers they say, "So, you want to go to Arizona, right?". No! Texas! Arizona was just a second choice because he had to put a second choice!

Anyways, Mike finally was told this week that he is for sure going to either Houston or Dallas for his second and third rotations. Yessss! He'll find out exactly where and when in a couple of weeks.

Hopefully Bank of America's decision to buy out Countrywide Mortgage (based in California) won't change this plan!


  1. Yea!!! As I was reading the post, I could see the Texas flag and I was getting excited. I'm so glad yall will be coming back soon. So, second and third rotations means for 16 months?

  2. Jen,
    Yes, about 16 months. After that-who knows. Hopefully we'll still get to stay in Texas.
