Monday, January 21, 2008

The Rolling Growler

Many people told me that when Zoe learned to roll over she would never stop moving, that she would roll one way and then roll again and be all over the place. Zoe has been able to roll over for a while now but hasn't been too interested in it. Rolling over was always an accident and seemed like a chore--until now! Just recently she has started to do exactly what everybody warned me about. It's so fun! She's so interested in everything. I'll put her on the floor to play and she'll check out her toys for a while, then roll over to see what the kitchen table and chairs are all about, then she'll make her way over to the couch, and then will eventually get back to her toys. She hasn't crawled yet, but she doesn't need to. Rolling gets the job done.

She also started growling today. She did it by accident when she was eating some bananas and thought it was funny so now she keeps doing it. It is pretty funny and I'm sure the fact that Mike and I laugh every time she does it just fuels the fire.

I'll try to get some video of the rolling and the growling.

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