Zoe has four teeth! Her two top, front teeth came in at the same time. Zoe has been in miserable pain but they finally broke through the skin on Saturday and I think she's starting to feel better. The left tooth came in just a little bit faster than the right one and it came so fast that we could tell a big difference from when she woke up Saturday to when we put her to bed. It was crazy.
Coupled with Zoe's mouth being in dire pain, she has also had a cold the past few days. Some people say that a runny nose and fever often show up right when a baby is teething, but a lot of people don't agree with that. Whatever it is, Zoe has been sick and in pain and I just feel so bad for her! We've been taking it real easy these past few days and sleeping when we can (not a whole lot at night!).
Zoe can say "dada" and "mama"! It's so cute and just melts my heart when I hear her say "mama".
Zoe has her 9 month check up tomorrow and then the three of us are going to see the Endocrinologist on Wednesday. I'll post updates after both visits.
Remote controls, any electrical cords or wires, swinging at the park, playing with mirrors, she still loves bathtime, she likes to stand holding on to the coffee table or couch, she likes to play hide and seek with a blanket. She likes to hide under the coffee table--she always rolls to it and then will just hang out under there.
Her favorite things to eat are Cherrios and anything with bananas (but especially the combination of bananas and strawberries).
Pictures and Videos!
Doesn't Zoe's hair look a lot like the owl's? This is what her hair looked like the other day when I took her pigtails out. We thought it was pretty funny.
Here is a video of Zoe playing peek-a-boo (aka Where Did Mommy Go?).
This is a really short video clip of Zoe on the swing. She LOVES it.
This is a video of some fun things that were going on at the park the other day.
Zoe, look at those teeth! What a big girl you are!