Tuesday, February 12, 2008

9 Month Check Up

Zoe had her check up today! Here are her new stats:

Weight: 13lbs
Height: 25"
Head: 45.5 cm

She only weighs 13 pounds (will she ever be able to ride in a forward facing car seat?!). Her last weight check was 12lbs 5oz on December 3rd. So she only gained 11oz in a little over 2 months. It's normal for babies to gain 1 to 1 1/2 pounds a month. She is not following her own growth curve anymore. This is typical for Russell-Silver Syndrome kids. It'll be really interesting to see what the Endocrinologist has to say about all this tomorrow.

The good news is that Zoe grew 2 inches and is still following her own growth curve there. Also, besides being really small she is still healthy and is developing just fine in other areas (socially, cognitively, etc).

I'll let you know what the Endocrinologist suggests tomorrow. All three of us have to give blood. Ugh. Mike at least pretends that he's brave when he gives blood. I don't even try. Every time I get blood taken I'm the biggest baby. It's actually quite embarrassing. I don't think Zoe is going to like it much either. I definitely think we'll be going out for milkshakes (and Cheerios for Zoe) after the appointment tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I think Zoe will deserve a milkshake after giving blood. I'm sorry you all have to go through this.
