Tuesday, March 4, 2008

2nd Visit to the Endocrinologist

When we took Zoe to see her Endocrinologist in February he mentioned that he'd like to see her one more time before we move. So, yesterday Mike and I took her in for a follow-up visit.

First of all, I have to mention that Zoe is becoming quite the little social butterfly. She was 'talking' to all the little kids (and the parents) in the waiting room. And then she was hamming it up for the doctor. She was smiling, talking to him, waving at him--it was so funny.

Okay, here are her new stats:
Weight: 13lbs 6oz
Height: 25"

Zoe's weight is only 3oz more than our last visit with the Endocrinologist on February 13th. What is more alarming is that she has only gained 1 pound in 3 months.

Zoe REALLY likes baby food and LOVES eating off of whatever Mike and I are eating. However, we still can't get her to drink from a bottle. She has even gone a full day (last week) without drinking any milk. She is getting better at the sippy cup but she doesn't get enough from it to rely only on that. We've been supplementing her bottle feedings (or lack of) by giving her milk through a straw, syringe, letting her drink it out of a cup (very messy), and the sippy cup.

The Endocrinologist suggested, yesterday, that we start Zoe on Periactin. This is an antihistamine that helps to stimulate appetite. I'm very nervous about it because of the fact that it's an antihistamine (dangerous if taken incorrectly). All of the research that I've done, though, seems to warrant Zoe taking it. We need to do this, at least, as a test to see if Zoe will gain weight and grow if she eats more. If she gets more calories but still doesn't gain weight then we'll explore other options.

Right now Zoe is averaging 13oz of milk a day. Some days she won't take a bottle at all and most days she'll take it twice. So far today, Zoe has had 4 bottles and is already up to 14oz of milk. Maybe it's just a fluke, or maybe the Periactin is working!

If any of you have experience with Periactin (Cyproheptadine is the off brand of it), especially with an baby, please let us know your thoughts.


  1. have you tried chocolate chip cookies? that always helps me gain a few pounds. ;)

    i hope that periactin stuff works.

  2. I tried to give her a chocolate milkshake. She did like it.

  3. Mel- have you heard of Duo Cal? It might not be an option for Zoe, but our dietitian put Ben on it- it adds an extra 50 calories to things- smoothies, pediasure, milk, yogurt, etc etc. You can only buy it on-line, some doctors carry it as we got it from TX children's here in Houston through the GI and dietitian. Never hurts to ask. Also, the other thing she recommended was Carnation instant breakfast to milk. Ben wasn't a fan so we are on Pediasure which adds about an extra 100 calories. xoxo, happy trails to TX!!!!

  4. Melanie, I think my daughter has RSS too. I haven't found anyone to talk to about it. Please e-mail me so I can show you picts of my daughter...She and Zoe have similar features. It would be good to have someone to share stories with! Thanks...Melissa (Annie's Mom) lukenlou@frontiernet.net
