Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is this house really divided regarding SpongeBob?

I have been a long time fan of SpongeBob Squarepants--ever since I saw an episode about a squirrel from Texas using the line “how dare you use the name of Texas in vain.” While I haven’t seen every episode, and it doesn’t rival Nicktoon classics such as Ren & Stimpy or Rocko’s Modern Life, it has its moments. I’m not a die hard fan, but I'll watch it if it's on--and it's got a thumbs up on Tivo.

Melanie on the other hand hates SpongeBob with such passion that she will usually leave the room if it’s on TV. If she does stay in the room she does the 10 second over dramatic eye roll and gives her "SpongeBob is a member of the Axis of Evil" monologue.

Well today I had SpongeBob playing in the background while typing up some emails. Melanie was feeding Zoe some baby food in the dining area. I wasn’t really watching the TV when suddenly I heard Melanie laughing behind me. I looked up and saw Spongebob on TV and then turned around to look at Melanie. Surely she was laughing at something Zoe did, and not at an episode of SpongeBob. I looked at her to see what it was, but as soon as Melanie saw me look at her, she stopped laughing and hid her face into her arms in embarrassment (with the words “caught” written across it). SHE WAS LAUGHING AT SPONGEBOB!!

I KNEW IT! She started laughing and said, “I’m so embarrassed!” So I had to make a written record as reference in case there is a future "SpongeBob is the absolute worst thing on TV speech"…he he.


  1. OK, Melanie, be strong! You CAN withstand SpongeBob!

  2. I just want to clarify a little bit on the 'SpongeBob is evil' comment. It's not that I think it's evil in the same context that I think many things on TV are evil (like most things on MTV and a lot of things on HBO). It's just that I think SpongeBob is SO STUPID and a waste of time and airspace.

  3. What's worse? The stupid cartoon, or the person laughing at the stupid cartoon? You can think it's stupid..but don't say it isn't funny. :)

  4. I totally agree with you Melanie!
