Monday, April 21, 2008

Zoe Discovers the Stairs

I happened to have the video camera going when Zoe discovered the stairs for the first time:

A couple of days later I was making dinner and Mike was getting some stuff together for work when all of a sudden we noticed how unusually quiet the place was. I asked Mike, "Where's Zoe?" and his response was, "I don't know, where is she?". My heart only had time to skip one beat (whew) before I found Zoe climbing up the stairs!


  1. Zoe is so grown up! I can't wait to see her!

  2. Now every unidentified bumping sound will have you running for the stairs. Good luck and dude finish the BOM!

  3. I am actually wondering about the Hinckley Challenge. Are you really reading the BOM and just not charting it? Or...heaven forbid...have you given up.

  4. No I haven't given up. Yes, I did accidentally take about 2 months off. Yes, I have started up again and will finish by May 10th.
