Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Zoe Goes Swimming

We took Zoe swimming for the first time on Monday. It was a lot of fun. We didn't get any pictures of her out in the middle of the pool, just sitting on the steps. But she did like it when we took her out in the deeper parts. She thought it was SO funny when Mike and I would take turns swimming around the pool with only our heads sticking out of the water. She laughed SO hard. We couldn't get it on video though because one of us was swimming and the other was holding Zoe.

I think Zoe would have stayed in the pool all day if we had let her. Maybe we have a future swim champ here!

Zoe is getting smothered with suntan lotion before we hit the pool.

I think Zoe thought she was in a big bathtub. She loved it and splashed around for about 20 minutes straight.

Zoe and Mike sitting in the shady part of the pool. Zoe had just eaten a cantaloupe before I took this picture and, as you can see, half of it is still sitting on the outside of her mouth. It will be there for the remaining pictures. Why we didn't wipe her mouth is anyone's guess.

Zoe is reaching for the trees.


  1. Swimming summer days are here! Cole had his first swimming trip of the season this week as well. He wont quit talking about going back. Zoe looks like a pro!

  2. How precious! Looks like fun!! I love how she uses daddy's finger to "draw!"

  3. Those blue eyes!!! Mel!!! You are going to have a heartbreaker!!!!!!! She looks so cute in her swimmies!!! xoxo
