Sunday, June 1, 2008

Trip to the Dallas Museum of Art

Mike, Zoe, and I went to see the Dallas Museum of Art on Saturday. It was really a lot of fun. The exhibits were pretty cool, except we only saw couple of them, we ended up spending most of our time in the kids section. It was so cool there. They had a lot of touch and feel art pieces and materials for the kids to make their own art. Zoe liked touching all the different textures on the art pieces and the coolest thing of all was the baby room. It was pretty much just a room filled with toys which is why Zoe loved it so much. I snuck the camera into the toy room and snatched some pictures of Zoe playing:


  1. Looks like fun! I can't wait to go sometime!

  2. That last comment was from me - Natalie - not Brian. :)
