Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

Zoe was so excited for the first day of kindergarten!  She woke up with a HUGE smile on her face and got ready so fast.  She could barely eat any breakfast though because she was just too anxious!

This is the backpack my mom got her for preschool a while ago.  She'll grow into it eventually.  

Speaking of growing.  Zoe is just as tall as all the other kids in her class.  She is even taller than some of the others!  Wow!  

Can you believe this cute thing is a kindergartner now?  

Doing her leopard stance.  

Zoe did really great that morning.  It was a little overwhelming walking into the school with all the other kids and parents.  So she jumped into my arms and had me carry her into class.  But once she found her seat she was more relaxed and good to go.  

Getting some last minute words of advice from Mom:  "Have fun!"  

This makes it all official.  :)  (only 11 kids int he class!  i love it!)

I didn't cry... and I was perfectly calm and normal.  See, here's proof!  Luckily, Mike had the day off work so we went straight from the school over to a park and I ran while Mike roller bladed.  Then Mike took me out for some breakfast tacos.  It was a good day despite the fact that my ONLY CHILD started kindergarten!

After school, we all went to Fuddruckers to celebrate.  Here are Mike and Zoe having a very in depth conversation about EVERYTHING that happened at school.  Zoe LOVED it and told us everything about the whole day.  It was pretty awesome.  

Here is Zoe working on her first major project.  It's a family banner.  She wrote Ralston across the top, traced each of our hands, and decorated it.  

Glitter was the funnest and messiest part of the banner.

Showing off the glitter.  I didn't get a picture of the end result.  But it pretty much looks like this....just add in a hand for me, a hand for Mike, lots more glitter, and a few butterflies.  


  1. Yeah for Zoe!
    (11? I can't believe that. I think Lyndon had 23!)

  2. I am so jealous that there are only 11 kids in her kindergarten class! You really don't know how lucky she is!

    And Zoe is SO cute!!! I love her leopard outfit.

    Congrats on making it through your first day of kindergarten Zoe!!!!

  3. There is that first day pic!!! Seriously, only 11 kids?! How is that??? And no tears from Mom???

  4. How fun! I wouldn't be surprised if she's taller than Wes by now. :)

  5. YAY Zoe! Such a pretty girl! So what do you do while she's at school now? We should play! :)
