Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Family Fun Day Before School Starts

Yesterday we celebrated the end of summer as a family.  We went to Amazing Jakes!  It's a fun pizza/game place.

After eating lots and lots and lots of pizza while watching Shrek 2, we spent about an hour playing video games.

After we were finished playing games, Zoe decided to do the rock climbing wall.

She was SO excited!

Her plan was to go all the way up the easy path.  And then do the medium path.  Here she is checking out her plan of action.

All ready to go!

Beginning her climb.  Looking strong!  

And then when she got about half way up the easy path she decided that it was too high and too hard.  She was done and wanted to come down.  No big deal, right?!  WRONG!  She didn't weigh enough to come down!  Those of you who have done this before know that your body weight pulls you down when you're ready or if you fall.  You just leg go and automatically come down.  Well it wasn't happening with Zoe!  When she pushed away from the wall she would just swing right back.  It was actually pretty funny and Mike & I were almost in tears watching her stuck up there.  I know, it's so mean of us!  Zoe was starting to get pretty worried  when she wasn't coming down and was afraid that she'd get hit from the wall.  We tried explaining to her how to climb down by pushing up on the rock thingies but it wasn't working.  After trying for about 5 minutes the super nice girl that you saw in the video getting Zoe ready climbed up and pulled her down.  Thank goodness for that nice worker!  The minimum weight to do this is 40 pounds.  Zoe is exactly 40 pounds so we thought she'd be fine.  Now I think we'll wait until she gains about 5 pounds before we let her try rock climbing again.

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