Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back to School Haircuts and Endocrinologist

Zoe and I went over to my friend, Becca's, house yesterday to get haircuts before school starts next week (Becca does haircuts from home and she's amazing and she has three super cute boys (one of them is Zoe's best friend Zach) and I hope she will teach me all about raising a cute boy).

Because we are seriously so cool, Zoe and I did a photo shoot when we got home.  Zoe came up with all the poses on her own...who knows, maybe she'll take after her Aunt Jen and become a photographer!

Zoe saw me making this post just now and wanted to describe the pictures in her own words:

In this picture, I was about to eat the candy, that's why I'm opening my mouth.  I was trying to say it's yucky.  

This is a picture of me smiling.  It looks cute, right?  You see my karate shirt?  That's 'cause I went to karate.  My hair looks pretty too because I had a haircut.  

In this one I'm showing you my muscles so I can show you how strong I was at karate.  I was this strong.  Really strong, right?!  I did this yesterday, so I have testing today at karate and I'm going to be a camouflage belt!  

This is how strong my mom can do muscles with the baby in her tummy.  You will see the one that is really soft, she is tired in that one. 

See the soft one?  This is it.  She is really tired now, you can see it.  See her wacky hands?  If she goes to karate (well, she doesn't) then she would not get anything at all.  

Here she is falling asleep.  She was really tired at the top, now she is asleep.  All the way asleep.  She closed her eyes.  

In this one, now she needs to go to the bathroom (...snicker).  My baby brother hit her bladder.  I'm just pretending on these ones, sometimes.  'Cause it just looks like it.  

This one she's having a great time with me and she really is always!  See her smile?  It looks so cute.  On the next one, look at the baby.

Here's the picture of the baby.  Doesn't it look cute?  You can't really see it, but you will whenever it comes out!  It will be really cute.  If you see it from my house it might cry whenever it comes out.  Ohhhh.  But we will make it stop so it wouldn't cry for too long.  
Zoe also had a check-up with her Endocrinologist yesterday.  We still go once every three months.  Most of the visits are quick check-ups to see how she's handling the shots and to measure her to make sure they are still working.  Once a year we have to also go to a lab and get a bunch of blood work done but we did that at the last visit, so yesterday's was an easy one.

Zoe still takes her shots like a champ.  I think she really just doesn't remember life without having to do it, so it's just part of our normal bed time routine now.  I give the shot 99% of the time.  Mike gets stuck doing it every once in a while if I'm at work.

Yesterday was a big day for us because Zoe grew almost one whole inch since the last visit (she has grown 13 inches since the beginning of 2010 when we started the shots!).  She also gained 3 pounds since our last visit (she has gained 20 pounds since we started!).  She is 45.3 inches (50%) and 41.8% (not sure the percentile for her weight).

This is a big deal for two reasons:  A) she had lost weight at the last visit and was eating hardly anything.  Actually, she would take a bite of something but wouldn't swallow it and would end up just spitting out all of her food.  She complained that her throat hurt when she swallowed.  She did this for about a month.  With one visit to the endocrinologist and two visits to her pediatrician we finally figured out that she simply had acid reflux.  We put her on Prevacid for two weeks and boom, pain was gone and she started to eat again.  Whew!  Our next step was to see an Ear Nose Throat doctor and send a microscope down her throat.  I'm SO SO SO glad we didn't have to do that.  B) she now weighs enough to legally ride in a booster seat!  You know, those little square seats that you can move from car to car.  Yay for the simple joys in life!

P.S. On a side note, last night was Meet the Teacher Night at school.  Zoe's new 1st grade teacher seems amazing and we are SO excited about a super fun school year!


  1. Best blog post ever. Great photos and very good commentary. And great news from the doctor.

  2. Hilarious! Did Zoe really tell you what to write or was that you? lol You've got an awesome baby bump! Tell Zoe she looks buff and congrats on camoflauge belt! Love her pooh bear pajamas... so funny! And Kailee just lost her 1st tooth too! And her top 2 front teeth are loose. Yikes! She'll be singing "All I want for Christmas is my 2 Front Teeth!" Can't wait to hang out with ya'll tomorrow! It's gonna be awesomeness!
