Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of First Grade

Zoe had a great first day of 1st Grade today!  She was really excited about it until we walked in to the school, and then she got really quiet and I knew that the nerves had hit.  It was really cute and sweet.  When she got home she said that on a scale from Bad, Okay, Good, and Great that she had a Good day.  It only wasn't great because she was nervous about getting in the wrong line during school.  :)  

Posing before heading to school!

Time to go and SO excited!

Totally pretending like she's walking to school.

This is after school.  Zoe was showing Mike all the cool stuff she did today.  

1 comment:

  1. Zoe, you are the BEST and MOST BEAUTIFUL and BRAVEST girl I know. I love you!
