Wednesday, August 28, 2013

28 Week Appointment

I'm in my 3rd trimester now!  Yay!

I had my 28 week appointment on Monday.  The very first thing the nurse asked me was if I was feeling the baby kick normally.  I explained to her that I had had a really busy few weeks and it seemed like I wasn't noticing the baby kick as much.  And when I was feeling the baby kick, it seemed weaker than the kicks I was feeling before.  I told her that last Thursday (the day of Zoe's Camouflage belt test) I hardly felt the baby kick at all so at the end of the day I drank a Pepsi for the caffeine and then the baby started kicking really good.

So, the doctor took me right over to he ultrasound machine and hooked me up.  She measured the amniotic fluid - it was good; she saw the baby moving his fingers around - that was good; she measured the heartbeat - that was good.  So basically, everything checked out.  What a relief.  The baby has been kicking good today, hopefully I'm just noticing it more because I'm more aware.

Also, I did my initial glucose test (to check for Gestational Diabetes) two Mondays ago (the 19th) and got the results during my appointment.  I failed the test.  What?!  I really do try to eat healthy but now that I think about it I have been eating a lot of carbs and starchy food (it's all I've been wanting to eat during the pregnancy) and I can't deny that I eat a lot of candy.  So, tomorrow I'm going back to the lab to do a three hour test.  I have to go in there fasting (so I'll go as soon as I drop Zoe off at school).  The nurse will take some blood right away then have me drink this really sugary prescription drink.  Then I have to sit there for an hour.  Then get more blood drawn.  Then sit there for another hour.  Then get more blood drawn.  Then sit there for a third hour.  Then get more blood drawn.  Then I can finally eat again.  I'm genuinely afraid that I might pass out from hunger and I won't trust myself to drive the car that hungry.  So I'll pack a lunch to eat in the car before I leave.  :)  I really hope I don't have Gestational Diabetes.  Not sure why, but to me that would be really embarrassing.  I think because I try to be so healthy, and diabetes is just NOT a healthy thing.

Other than the baby movement and the possible gestational diabetes, everything else seems to be moving along great.  Yay!  We are so excited and Mike & I are both hard core nesting right now.  I have been organizing all of the drawers and closets in the house.  And the other day I found Mike organizing a couple of the closets too.  We are trying to get rid of all of the things we don't need so that we can make room for BABY STUFF!  Whoo-hoo!

We took a tour of the Labor & Delivery section of the hospital last night.  It was really fun and exciting.  There were two newborns there:  one in the nursery, and one in the NICU.  Zoe thought thought they were SO CUTE (I did too) (Mike secretly did too).

Okay, I'm going to list my pregnancy complaints now.  You totally don't have to read them, but I want to document it for myself.  I don't feel like I did a good job documenting this stuff when I was pregnant with Zoe and IF we have another baby I want to be able to compare and remember what it was like with this one.

So anyways:  The varicose veins in my left leg are worse and I'm starting to get them in my right leg too.  Sitting still is almost impossible now.  Driving is hard because I keep wanting and needing to move my legs.  It's like I have Restless Leg Syndrome.  Sitting in church is entertaining for others, I'm sure.  I'm like the little restless kids who can't sit still.  Sitting down to watch TV or a movie is hard.  So I usually lay down.  But then I just fall asleep.  :)  My ribs hurt a lot.  I talked to the doctor about this and she just explained that the uterus is growing up under my ribs.  And the baby kicks them too.  Laying down usually helps with the pain.  My hips are SO sore in the mornings from sleeping on my sides.  I remember having this pain when I was pregnant with Zoe too.  Heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux.  Are they all the same thing?  Or is there a difference?  I don't know.  But I'm pretty sure I have all three.  All the time.  I don't remember having most of these problems with Zoe's pregnancy.  I think that I have aged a lot in the past six years.  

Now that I have my complains out of the way I have to say that I LOVE my baby belly.  I have wanted one for 3 1/2 years and I finally got it!

Also, I really really really do love being pregnant, even with the weird things it is doing to my body!  It is such a blessing and I was afraid I'd never get to experience it ever again.  I'm so happy that I have those things above to complain about.  :)


  1. I'm happy you have pregnancy complaints, also. You are a good mom.

  2. So I failed my first glucose test this pregnancy, too. When I got the phone call, I cried. :) I'm sure it was just a fluke. I passed my 2nd one just fine. I took a little DVD player and watched a chick flick from Redbox (that I knew B wouldn't want to watch with me) to pass the time between blood draws. Good luck!

    I'm so happy for you, BTW! :)

    1. This makes me feel better because I know you eat super healthy. I went and did my 2nd test this morning. I took a book to read and it went by kind of fast-ish.

  3. Yes, the complaints are good. :) And you're handling it well and it's good to complain about it every once in a while. :) I'm sure you'll pass the second test. I can't wait to meet this little guy!
