Saturday, August 31, 2013


I have the coolest sisters and I just love them!

Megan and her boyfriend, Cliff, were road tripping from Georgia to my mom's house yesterday for Labor Day weekend.  I am so bummed that I couldn't make it down there to hang with them.  But lucky for me they drove right through south Dallas on their way.  So Zoe and I drove down south a bit right after school got out and we had a early yummy BBQ dinner.  I hadn't seen Megan since Christmas and it was so fun to catch up in person.  And I was so excited to finally meet Cliff.  He's a really super cool guy.  I'm so happy for Megan!  


  1. Fun! Cliff is tall, but he looks REALLY tall in this picture. I assume Zoe took it? :) We miss you!!!!!

    1. Hahaha! You're right, Cliff does look REALLY tall! I didn't even notice. Lol. Yes, Zoe took it. :)
