Sunday, November 3, 2013

Baby Guesses

It's November and we will meet our new bundle of joy very soon!  But how soon do you think it will be?  Some of you may remember the contest we did with the pending arrival of Zoe, and I thought it would be fun to do it again with our baby boy.  Here are some questions for you to answer (either leave a comment here or email your answers to me).  It will be fun to see who gets the closest!

Here are a few facts to help you come up with your answers:
My official due date is November 19th.
My c-section is scheduled for November 15th.
I have been having pre-labor signs:  crampiness, tightness in the belly, back pain.
I have gained 42 pounds so far (Yes, I just told you all that and I'm not ashamed of it!  I'm in love with the reason I have gained so much weight!) compared to the 39 pounds total that I gained with Zoe. (I feel like two of my pounds have been gained since Halloween....our candy bowl seems to be losing candy fast and Mike & Zoe claim innocence)

Okay, here are your questions!
What day will the baby be born?
How much will he weigh?
How tall will he be?
Will Mike make it through the c-section without having to leave the room or passing out?
Will Melanie make it through delivery day without crying?
Will Mike and Zoe make it through delivery day without crying?

I'll keep you posted on what every body's answers are!  


  1. Nov. 14
    7 lbs 10 oz
    20 in
    Mike will make it
    Melanie will cry (after she sees her cute baby)
    Mike and Zoe will not cry

  2. Nov 8
    9 lbs 2 oz
    19 in
    Mike will make it...barely

  3. Lynn's guesses:
    November 11th
    7lbs 6oz
    Mike will make it
    Melanie will definitely cry
    Zoe will not cry. Mike will tear up.
    Grandpa will sob :)

  4. 1) (I kinda got to cheat on the day because I kinda heard Mel was already at the hospital soooooo.... :/)
    2) 8 lb, 9 oz
    3) 18.7 in
    4) Mike might get a little green and could possibly stomach some of his stomach, but heaven forbid he has any chili or charizo beforehand... that could make things a bit awkward... Honestly if it were me I'd just stick with chocolate pudding. (Off topic, but that TOTALLY sounds good right now...)
    5) Mel crying or laughing? I'm hoping both. Honestly I'm crossing my fingers that they've got her absolutely drugged out of her mind and somebody remembers to capture some of her on video.
    6) Zo-Zo's gonna be too excited and will most undoubtedly be too cute to handle. $5 says she names him "Bob".
    7) Dad will be grinning ear to ear with a twinkle in his eye, but $5 says there will be at least one tear.

    CONGRATS GUYS!!!! I can't wait to meet him! :D
